FAQs for Online Counselling with Pebbleshed Therapy

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  • I work in the Person-Centred modality. Very simply, it’s all about you, you are the greatest expert in you, not the therapist. There’s a myth that all counselling wants to take you back to your earliest memories and how you felt as a child. In person-centred counselling, we work with how you feel in the present.

    This type of therapy prioritises building a supportive and understanding relationship between the therapist and the client. Three key elements define this approach: unconditional positive regard (acceptance without judgment), empathy (understanding the client's feelings), and congruence (authenticity from the therapist).

    The focus is on you the client, and the therapist doesn't give solutions but instead creates a safe space for the client to explore their thoughts and feelings. The idea is that, with the right conditions, individuals can naturally move towards personal growth.

    In a nutshell, person-centred counselling is about fostering a caring and open connection between the therapist and you, the client, allowing you to navigate your own path to self-discovery and positive change.

    Finally, there can be some confusion over ‘therapy’ v’s ‘counselling’. In the UK, there isn’t really a difference, counselling is a talking therapy! However, please note that psychotherapy is a different discipline.

  • As person-centred therapy relies so much on the therapeutic relationship between therapist and client, it makes sense for us to meet online first. Use the contact form to let me know your availability and we can arrange a free 20-minute introductory session.

    Afterwards, you can decide if you would like us to start work together and we can arrange our 50-minute sessions. This is a no-obligation session, if you feel this isn’t the right fit or the right time for you, your details will be deleted and you will not be contacted further.

  • Therapy is here for you whenever you’re ready. Everyone is different and the person-centred approach respects that.

    People can benefit from the non-judgmental space that a supportive therapist provides, during times of life transitions and changes or periods of uncertainty and overwhelming stress.

    In terms of life-changing conditions, the stress of pre-diagnosis, diagnosis, managing symptoms, treatment, relapses or disease progression can all be trigger points to look for extra support. These stages don’t happen in isolation; life is still happening and it could be family responsibilities, work responsibilities, ‘sandwiched’ responsibilities typical of peri-menopausal women, learning about your new condition and many hospital appointments become overwhelming.

    This feeling of being overwhelmed, is what I refer to as a tangled, busy brain, with so many considerations to make in so many different aspects, mentally knitting how you are going to cope with everything. Sometimes the mental wool gets tangled and it’s impossible to slow down and prioritise what you need. You may be asking, ‘Who I am now?’

    By working together, we can detangle all these mental knots and help you get to the point where you can find inner calm and embrace your true authentic self.

  • It is £45 for a 50-minute therapeutic session. This is payable online by BACS transfer 48 hours before the scheduled session. During our initial meeting, please make me aware of any physical or mental additional needs that may make attending regular sessions difficult. We can work together to find how best to accommodate these needs.

    If you are unable to make an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so we can try to rearrange the time.

  • Online counselling has opened up the benefits of therapy for those who have previously struggled with physical accessibility to counselling settings. As those with many medical conditions understand - every energy point is precious.

    By working together virtually, you can save the time and energy that travelling, navigating, parking, inclement weather and uncomfortable surroundings can easily sap.

    When you book in, I send you a link to my secure online therapy room; you don’t need to download an app, just a stable internet connection. Ring the ‘bell’ at your appointment time and I’ll let you in!

    When deciding where you want to be for our session, choose somewhere quiet, where you can speak without being overheard. Think of your comfort; do you need cushions, are you warm, are you too warm?! You are welcome to have a drink with you when we start, or if during the session you need to stand up and move around to ease discomfort, please do so.

  • The duration of Person-Centred Therapy (PCT) varies widely depending on individual needs and goals. Unlike some therapeutic approaches with predefined timelines, PCT is often considered a more open-ended, client-driven form of therapy. The length of therapy can be influenced by factors such as the client's specific issues, the depth of exploration desired, and the pace at which the client feels comfortable.

    Some individuals may benefit from short-term, focused Person-Centred Therapy, while others may choose to engage in longer-term, ongoing sessions for more comprehensive personal development. It's common for clients and therapists to periodically evaluate progress and revisit treatment goals, adjusting the duration accordingly. Ultimately, the duration of your Person-Centred Therapy is determined collaboratively between you and your therapist, based on your individual needs and progress.

Get in touch for your free, no-obligation 20-minute introductory counselling session or any questions about starting therapy.